Dyskusja Archiwisty:Hanzo
Witaj Hanzo!
Witam w Bibliotece Ossus! Mam nadzieję, że będziesz się tu dobrze bawić. Jeśli chcesz pisać nowe hasła lub edytować już istniejące, a nie masz doświadczenia z systemem Wiki, to koniecznie potwierdź adres e-mail i zapoznaj się z działem pomocy Biblioteki Ossus.
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Canon and Legends on Biblioteka Ossus
It's nice that you care what is written in articles on this site, but please do not delete legends information from our articles, as we haven't decided yet how we will devide new-canon information from the legends ones (Wookieepedia's version, Jedipedia's version, Leg template or any other way). PS: Do you speak polish? :) -Darth Plagueis the Wise 09:59, 13 sie 2015 (CEST)
- Hi, while I do not speak Polish, through the help of Chrome's automatic translation, I've edited certain stuff that I felt was a TCW mess, along with related issues. I would say that this site's approach with the Legends and canon sections in individual articles is a unique approach to the issue. :) Hanzo (dyskusja) 22:46, 13 sie 2015 (CEST)
- Writte on discussion of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Principles of Ossus. ;) Mustafar29 22:58, 13 sie 2015 (CEST)
Hi. On Biblioteka Ossus there are two templates to split canon and Expanded Universe - we have Leg and EU. In date pages, use template "EU", ok? :) See history of article 21 BBY - you edition and my edition. May the force be with you ;) Mustafar29 11:29, 13 sie 2015 (CEST)
- And remember: not written down on your discussion. Mustafar29 11:48, 13 sie 2015 (CEST)
It seems that Valorum's fate is problematic issue and unfortunately there is a little, unnecessary tension growing in discussion. While your arguments seem convincing, user Piett also made a valid point about Fact Files' release date which suggests than informations included belong exclusively to the new canon. I'm not familiar with those stories besides what's written in articles here or on Wookieepedia, so I can't decide which solution is better. For now I've put a template in the article which informs that some parts of it may require verification. There are few ways we can go around this problem and we will be discussing them soon. In this case I suggest leaving the article as it is for now, until we decide how to approach this. There are various other issues caused by 6th season of The Clone Wars, so I treat it like a part of a larger problem that needs to be discussed, as right now even splitting the artciles into canon and Legends versions doesn't always deals with the issue. Your feedback is appreciated and we will probably consult with you in the future, as you seem to be quite familiar with the issue, but I would like to avoid constant changes in article without the problem being discussed by the community, as we may find another solution to bring both stories together through some fan retconning for example (something like this happened with Even Piell being killed before Coruscant Nights in the TV series). Contradiction regarding one characters doesn't mean the whole source must be considered non canon within both continuities. Since Lucasfilm doesn't support Legends anymore, we will try to settle this with as little harm to the article and both stories as possible.-- Mario Dyskusja 22:24, 1 lut 2016 (CET)