The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

Z Biblioteki Ossus, polskiej encyklopedii ''Gwiezdnych wojen''.

The Jedi Path:
A Manual for Students of the Force
Autor/rzy: Daniel Wallace
Informacje wydawnicze
Wydanie oryginalne: becker&mayer!
28 sierpnia 2010
Typ publikacji: Przewodnik in-universe
Następny/a: Book of Sith
Pełne informacje o wydaniach
Chronologia w uniwersum
Kanoniczność: Legendy

The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force to przewodnik in-universe autorstwa Daniela Wallace'a stylizowany na podręcznik dla uczniów Jedi. Publikacja została wydana w wersji deluxe 28 sierpnia 2010[1] roku w Stanach Zjednoczonych przez wydawnictwo becker&mayer!.

Wydanie deluxe zawierało specjalne pudełko na książkę, oraz dodatki jak list przedstawiający historię książki, ucięty warkoczyk padawana, metalowy medalion Jedi, naszywka pilotów Jedi, plakat z Kodeksem Jedi, mapa Świątyni Jedi, szkic budowy miecza świetlnego oraz notatka o brakujących stronach, wyrwanych z książki przez Sithów.

Nota wydawnicza

Wydanie oryginalne
With the push of a button, the doors of the vault open in a wash of light and Star Wars sound effects. The inner platform rises, revealing this exclusive edition of The Jedi Path.

This ancient training manual, crafted by early Jedi Masters, has educated and enlightened generations of Jedi. It explains the history and hierarchy of the Jedi Order, and what Jedi must know to take their place as defenders of the peace in the galaxy—from mastery of the Force to the nuances of lightsaber combat.

Passed down from Master to Padawan, the pages of this venerable text have been annotated by those who have held it, studied it, and lived its secrets. From Yoda and Luke Skywalker to Count Dooku and Darth Sidious, they have shaped the content of the book by leaving mementos tucked within the pages, tearing out pages, and adding their personal experiences as tangible reminders of the lessons they’ve learned.

Through wars and rebellion, only a single copy of this manual has survived. It is now passed on to you.

The ancient Masters who wrote the text: Fae Coven, Grand Master and head of the Jedi Council; Crix Sunburris, Jedi Ace starfighter pilot; Restelly Quist, Jedi Chief Librarian; Skarch Vaunk, Jedi Battlemaster and lightsaber expert; Bowspritz, Jedi Biologist and expert on the Living Force; Sabla-Mandibu, Jedi Seer and Holocron expert; Morrit Ch'gally, Jedi Recruiter; Gal-Stod Slagistrough, Jedi leader of the Agricultural Corps.

Jedi who added personal commentary: Yoda, Thame Cerulian, Count Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Sidious, and Luke Skywalker.

Removable features: A letter tracing the book’s history, a severed Padawan braid, a metal Jedi Credit medallion, a Jedi starfighter patch, a burned poster of the Jedi Code, a map of the Jedi Temple, a lightsaber diagram sketched on the back of a napkin from Dex’s Diner, and a note on the missing pages torn from the book by a Sith.

Created in collaboration with Lucasfilm—along with an acclaimed Star Wars author and revered Star Wars illustrators—this volume provides new insights into the history and lore of the Jedi Order while introducing never-before-seen ships, creatures, characters, and details about how one trains to become a Jedi.[1](becker&mayer!, 2010)

Passed down from Master to apprentice, The Jedi Path is an ancient training manual that has educated and enlightened generations of Jedi. Within its pages, the Jedi-intraining will discover the history and lore of the Jedi Order, the ways of the Force and how to wield it, the subtle nuances of lightsaber combat, and the dangers of the Dark Side. The only remaining copy in existence, this hallowed tome features handwritten annotated notes by Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Count Dooku, and Darth Sidious, among many others. Created in collaboration with Lucasfilm along with an acclaimed Star Wars author and revered Star Wars illustrators this volume also introduces never-before-seen ships, creatures, characters, and details about the Star Wars galaxy.(Chronicle Books, 2011)


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Data premiery Kraj wydania Numer ISBN Wydawnictwo Objętość Format Cena
2010, 28 sierpnia (wydanie deluxe) USA 9781603800969 becker&mayer! 160 stron Druk (twarda, box) 99,99 USD
2011, 7 sierpnia USA 9781452102276 Chronicle Books 160 stron Druk (twarda) 19,95 USD
2012, 15 stycznia USA 9781603803076 Chronicle Books 160 stron Ebook 12,99 USD



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